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(94/211) 3650 - Char rendering errors

I tested the newest version 21121 from trunk
with scripts of the world. See my enclosed test document.

Though I cannot read most of these languages,
it looked fine to me :-) but I found a rendering error
for ancient Egypt hieroglyphs (chars above BMP);
there is a straying rectangle, which does not belong there.

Perhaps the tokens in do not always start with the correct
surrogate for chars above BMP?

Submitted mf3 - 2012-02-12 15:05:07 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2012-02-12 15:09:38

Bug screenshot

Ancient%20Egypt%20Screenshot.png (97.3Kio)

2012-02-12 15:13:26

the defect rectangle is the 3rd character from the last position;
the browsers IE, Firefox and the unicode text editor "babelpad"
show everything correctly

2012-02-12 16:38:28

I found one issue more;
the very first combined character in "Tengwar" is not rendered correctly;
the horizontal bar must be centered and not at the bottom.
I attach screenshot.

2012-02-12 16:38:29

- **summary**: Chars above BMP rendering error --> Char rendering errors

2012-02-12 16:40:28

Bug 2 screenshot

Tengwar%20Screenshot.png (130.4Kio)

2012-02-13 15:26:20

Bug 3 screenshot

Malayalam%20Screenshot.png (123.0Kio)

2012-02-13 15:27:33

Found one more.
Many overlapping chars in block Malayalam

2012-02-14 19:14:23

The malayalam issue is only in jedit compiled Win7+ Java7, not in Ubuntu11+Java6. The other bugs remain.
Malayalam is basic unicode plane, Tengwar is basic plane: Private Use Area, Ancient egypt is secondary plane.

2012-02-14 19:14:23

- **assigned_to**: k_satoda --> nobody

2012-02-14 19:21:26

Testdocument_Human_rights.html.txt (4.5Kio)