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(109/211) 3744 - Hypersearch on buffer cannot be aborted

I have a large file (~53MB, about 1M lines).
I made a hypersearch which takes a long time (maybe this in itself is a problem). Then I realized my search expression is incorrect. jEdit is irresponsive during the search and I cannot abort it.

Submitted nobody - 2012-09-11 08:43:53 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group minor bug
Resolution None


2012-09-11 16:25:40


does attached patch help?

2012-09-11 16:26:56


HyperSearchRequest-Handle-interruption-in-doHypserSearch.patch (1.0Kio)

2012-10-05 20:53:54

Hi. No, the patch doesn't help. jEdit is not responsive during the search operation - how can I cancel the search?

2012-10-08 16:13:00


can you provide the text file somewhere and the exact parameters for your search?

It seems as the check for thread interruption needs to be pushed deeper into the call stack.

2014-07-03 20:02:23.481000

- **assigned_to**: Shlomy Reinstein --> nobody
- **Group**: --> minor bug