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(219/242) 3882 - Regex search and replace with empty replace string eats the line

If you open a new buffer and enter this line:

public static final String LOGIN_TO_BACKOFFICE = "loginToBackOffice";
public static final String LOGIN_TO_FRONTEND = "loginToFrontend";

and try to do search and replace entering this search string: ^.*?"
and leaving empty replace text area (meaning that I want to remove string /public static final String LOGIN_TO_BACKOFFICE = "/ from buffer line), choose regular expression, I am getting this result after clicking Replace All:


The find operation correctly finds /public static final String LOGIN_TO_BACKOFFICE = "/ and when I click just replace, everything is OK, when I keep clicking Replace & Find it first replaces and then when it goes to second match then previous match become just


Submitted aurelije - 2014-09-05 14:06:18.424000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels regex replace
Status open Group minor bug
Resolution None
