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(214/246) 3915 - PluginManager Inconsistent Inheritance

Based on an automated tool, there is a discrepancy in the class inherits from JFrame however the init() code suggests it should be inheriting from EnhancedDialog as it follows a similar structure to a number of files.

Submitted dchollak - 2015-04-22 11:51:59.584000 Assigned ezust
Priority 5 Labels
Status pending Group minor bug
Resolution works-for-me


2015-05-22 08:30:36.609000

- **status**: open --> pending-works-for-me
- **assigned_to**: Alan Ezust

2015-05-22 08:30:36.954000

EnhancedDialog has an OK/Cancel button but PluginManager has "download options", "plugin options" and "close" so it is not an enhanced dialog.
Why do you want it to be one?

2015-09-01 17:48:23.509000

Alan, I'd say go ahead and close this.