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(241/243) 3936 - Strange layout on lower corners

Attached image 5.1 x 5.3.1 versions

Submitted margenn - 2015-10-24 13:26:07.702000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group Regressive (new to devel)
Resolution None


2015-10-24 16:31:20.792000

The layout is a recent (within the past year) change to allow placement of components in the corners, for example, the SVN plugin puts a button in the top right corner for certain actions. The coloring is wrong though, the bottom right corner in your 'error' image should be the same as that in the 'ok' image. The bottom scrollbar is somewhat narrower now in that it only spans the width of the text editing area and no longer includes the left gutter area or right side extension component area. This is an initentional change.

So it seems to me the bug here is the color in the bottom right corner is not the right color.