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(223/247) 3962 - does not auto-handle different EOL types

DOS/windows cr+lf
linux,macos(recent) lf
old macos 9 i think cr

I get double-spaced lines somethimes from stuff I downloaded from linux server. ftp should have converted it to cr+lf but it didn't. jedit didn't help

replacing \n\n with \n, on whole set of web sites dir tree, I got that with 2GiB box it had 247MB tot RAM. and was not allocating virtual memory like it should - these sorts of things worked well on XP, but apparently not vista.

Submitted jmichae3 - 2016-03-21 20:36:57.586000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group minor bug
Resolution None


2016-03-21 20:41:56.131000

part of the problem with search and replace may be if it loads a file in the process and doesn't close it for dir trees.

2016-05-05 17:51:43.290000

You might try installing the Macro Manager plugin, then using it to install the "switchLineSeparatorForAllBuffers" macro. It displays a dialog which allows you to switch the line separators of either:
- All open buffers in current view
- All files (recursive) in a specified directory
- All files in a ProjectViewer project which you select

This can be useful in cases like yours where the line separators may be mixed due to files coming from different OSs.