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(188/211) 4005 - Odd change of help viewer font after change of text area font

This is jEdit trunk 24461 with jdk-8u92 on Linux.

With Nimbus or GTK+ L&F the following odd behaviour can be seen in the help viewer. Starting situation: help viewer font 36px and main text area font 36px. Now open the help viewer. Keep it open while changing the main text area font to 24px: the help viewer font is somehow reset as well.

Closing help and re-opening it gets back to the 36px help viewer font.

Nothing like that happens for Metal L&F.

Submitted makarius - 2016-07-17 19:44:38.165000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group minor bug
Resolution None


2016-08-31 18:00:54.874000

There is some chance that it requires the following to be put in strategic places:
> `putClientProperty(JEditorPane.HONOR_DISPLAY_PROPERTIES, true)`

2017-10-09 05:29:07.773000

For me this happens only on the welcome page of jEdit Help dialog. Other pages of the contents list retain intact.
Win7. Nimbus look&feel.