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(239/247) 4008 - 5.3.1 doesn't do extended regex not function (?!___)

5.3.1 doesn't do extended regex not function (?!___). Java latest,vista32
for example, find regex of (!V)S& replace with S where source code contains VS&

Submitted jmichae3 - 2016-07-27 22:45:18.602000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group minor bug
Resolution None


2016-07-27 22:49:11.258000

that should be (?!V)S&
expected: should not find S& with a preceding V.
actual: finds S& in VS& when It should not.

2016-07-28 13:53:48.711000

You're trying to find S& that doesn't have a V in front of it, so you should be using a look behind rather than a look ahead. Try this: (?<!V)S&