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(242/245) 4026 - File Open Dialog Flaw

Open the file dialog (CONTROL+O) in in a directory with a reasonable number of files of differing file extensions and names.

In the "File name:" entry field type a letter such as "b", a file whose name starts with "b" will be highlighted, but it won't be the first one. Typing in a second character will again go to a file whose name starts with those 2 letters but again won't be the first matching those 2 characters (with exact same letter case, given its windows it should be case insensitive anyway).

If I then click on a file to give that control focus, it fails similarly except it only takes one character.

No matter how the files are sorted in the dialog, this always fails.

I don't know how it is supposed to work but the way it works now is useless and hopefully just a bug that can be fixed, if not then is the "logic" of the way this dialog works documented anywhere?

Using JEDIT 5.3.0
Windows 7 64 bit
java version "1.7.0_71"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_71-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.71-b01, mixed mode)

Submitted dbareis - 2016-11-30 01:43:10.820000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group minor bug
Resolution None
