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(201/211) 4066 - Windows installer 5.5 flagged as dangerous by Symantec


it seems that the installer for jedit5.5 for windows is caught by Symantec virus protection and is classified as:


From what I found it seems like the classification is only/mainly based on low volume and not something actually found in the file.

It can be reported as "false positive" on

It is not clear what Symantec then will do.

Submitted jnp1234 - 2018-04-11 07:33:18.914000 Assigned
Priority 2 Labels
Status open Group normal bug
Resolution None


2018-04-11 07:33:37.308000

I am not reading my mail until 12-Apr-2018.

2018-07-05 23:08:48.602000

Symantec asks for a lot of info that I don't have. Could you perhaps enter the false positive report yourself since you should have the info they need?