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(180/212) 476 - Add support for advanced mouse buttons and mouse shortcuts

It would be nice if jEdit could properly support additional mouse buttons such as B4, B5, scroll-L, scroll-R, etc.

Currently, B4 and B5 are both interpreted a Left-click for me, and the side scrolls are ignored.

It would also be nice (possibly a separate feature request?) if the mouse buttons could be assigned in the shortcuts menu. For example, I'd love to bind B4 to Navigator-Back and B5 to Navigator-Next.

Submitted snarum-micron - 2013-12-18 23:35:27.618000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels mouse shortcuts
Status open Group v5.2
Resolution None


2014-03-18 18:46:29.118000


I try to implement this feature to jEdit, I think it is quite useful improvement.

2014-03-18 18:53:29.039000

See related ticket: