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(211/212) 549 - Search/Replace suggestion

It would really be useful if in a search/replace operation, especially when using regular expressions, if the seach text found could be piped as input to some executable ( command processor, shell, or script ) and use the output of the executable as the replacement text. I occasionally have a need to do some sort of calculation with the text that is found in order to provide the replacement, which a pure textual substitution can not encompass. A common example would be finding a number in the search string, doing a numerical calculation with that number, and having the replacement text be the result of such a calculation. While a pure script, written in some language can do this, not having that sort of functionality while editing with JEdit is unfortunate.

Submitted eldienerlee - 2020-04-27 18:54:33.630000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels Search&replace
Status open Group none
Resolution None
