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(1/7) 155 - Error dialog is using KB shortcut message

Please merge rev #21796 to jEdit 5.0.

Currently error dialog is displaying a message for keyboard shortcut setting. Though it looks safe if in english but please remember that jEdit is containing messages for other languages now.

Submitted tanakahisateru - 2012-06-11 18:09:08 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status pending Group for 5.0.x
Resolution out-of-date


2012-06-12 12:36:01

This change is not that good. I see the text changed from "Remove current" to "Remove".

2012-06-14 04:39:32

I committed rev #21799 to keep the text "Remove Current" in error dialog.

2012-06-16 16:35:26

I think it may be better to have more dedicated "error-record.remove"
for natural translation, instead of generic "common.removeCurrent".

2012-07-31 19:03:12

using common.removeCurrent seems to make sense to me, rather than adding another property exclusively for the error dialog.
But I am not an expert on internationalization.
Kazutoshi, what is the next step for this ticket? Please explain it to the submitter or to the reviewer.

2013-10-23 00:37:14

- **milestone**: 2546309 --> 6846241

2013-10-23 00:39:48

- **milestone**: 6846241 --> for 5.0.x
- **status**: open --> pending-out-of-date