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(10/22) 3613108 - Patch for feature request - ID: 3539480

Feature Request Details:
Single Click To Open Files - ID: 3539480
Ideally I'd expect Java file dialogs to behave the same as the containing desktop environment. That may be impractical to handle automatically given the large variety of DE's and configuration locations. Instead an option within "Mouse" to allow single click to open files would be appreciated.
New option in "Mouse" called "Single-click to open files and folders".
If enabled, filebrowsers will react to a single click just like they reacted to double click.
Made by: László Schmidt, Zsombor Franczia, Bence Pintér

Submitted frzsombor - 2013-05-11 - 13:07:36z Assigned nobody
Priority 5 Category general
Status Open Group None
Resolution None Visibility No


2013-05-17 - 08:46:18z
Hi, I like the feature, but I found two little things:
First, I think the option would be better in the FSB (File System Browser) option pane
Second: In the FSB option pane there is an option : "Double-clicking an open file closes it".
If this one is activated, the double click will close the file but it is reopened because of your option.
Of course when double clicking on an open file should only close the file and not reopen it.
Could you update your patch ?
2013-05-17 - 09:40:32z
Also it should not open files if shift is pressed, otherwise it is not possible to select multiple files
2013-05-19 - 14:13:08z
Hi kpouer! Thank you for the comment!
I will fix and update the patch as soon as possible.


2013-05-11 - 13:07:37z
