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(13/27) 506 - Option to Indent Blank Lines

Created the option to choose whether blank lines will receive indentation when indenting lines forward. Defaults to true (currently functionality).

Submitted meoblast001 - 2013-08-03 15:55:04 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels general
Status pending Group None
Resolution None


2013-08-03 15:55:05

indent_blank_lines.patch (5.9Kio)

2013-08-04 13:55:37

- **assigned_to**: vampire0 --> nobody

2013-11-26 19:45:25

Hi. Thanks for the patch, but I don't understand what this does. Can you provide a user case (step by step) that shows the difference between the two states (the option is turned on / off)?

2013-11-26 19:46:09

- **status**: open --> pending

2016-03-30 17:12:52.649000

Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but the jedit developer page says:

"Redirect this command to a file and attach it with proper documentation to a patches tracker item. "

With the current jedit trunk (and also the previous jedit 5.2.0 release) I get the following behavior when using auto-indent == full and tab width != indent width.
Here is an example with tab width == 8 and indent width == 4.
t_ marks tab, _ marks a whitespace.

int myfunc(int a)
____if (a==5) {
____t_ printf("Hello World\n");

But I would like to get (and I think this is also more correct):

int myfunc(int a)
____if (a==5) {
t_ printf("Hello World\n");

It's a simple patch against revision 24359. Maybe to simple, but it shows what I would like to get.

auto_indent_change.patch (1.1Kio)