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(18/27) 546 - Macro to save the current (xml) file as UTF-8

Find attached a macro set the encoding of current (xml) file also saving the buffer.

Submitted thiemo - 2015-01-16 10:14:07.517000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels Macro
Status pending Group
Resolution None


2017-03-20 22:01:58.199000

For me, the macro works.

Nevertheless, I'm not sure that we should add it to the jedit distribution, because we could end up with a whole bunch of macros of this sort. So maybe, it should be provided for download via community site:

I'll wait for votes.

2017-03-20 22:41:08.737000

I agree, put it on the community site, then the MacroManager plugin can find it and let people install it as needed.

2017-04-13 21:17:07.532000

- **status**: open --> pending
- **Group**: -->