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(37/42) 581 - Fixes #3949 - Macro Display_Shortcuts show no/wrong results

Fixes [#3949] and [#3785] which seem to be duplicates.

The shortcut properties for actions are handled by their corresponding `ActionSet` and can not be found in the global properties.

Asking `jEdit.getProperty` may sometimes return properties from plugins but not jEdits actual shortcuts.

Submitted marchaefner - 2016-03-27 00:55:51.303000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2016-04-06 20:25:55.899000

Addendum for the historically inclined: Using `jEdit.getProperty` was correct until [r20156] - "beginning of jEdit's keymap api" (jEdit 5.0)