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(37/39) 594 - Updated batch.xml edit mode

Here's an updated batch.xml edit mode. I've submitted the patch as documented, but the changes are so extensive that you might as well consider it as a complete rewrite and simply replace the old file by the new one.
See the file header for a detailed list of changes. Basically the old version dated from 2003, and supported only the Windows 95 batch syntax, plus a few NT commands. I've added all NT/XP syntax extensions, along with all XP/Windows 7 commands. (Due to the emergence of PowerShell, the batch syntax has been frozen since XP, and very few commands added since Windows 7.)
To test the changes, try editing my batch library Library.bat, available at,
or any of the other large batch scripts in that same GitHub folder. Ex: regx.bat, TimeX.bat, IPcfg.bat, ...

Submitted jflarvoire - 2017-01-10 09:28:04.392000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group None
Resolution None
