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(26/27) 624 - Patch for MacOSX integration without plugin

Patch for MacOSX

Against latest trunk

Removes the need for MacOSX plugin - removed from build.xml and ivy.xml
Removes some keyboard binding errors (on Macosx anyway - can't check on Windows)
Integrates to MacOSX using java.awt.Desktop in org/gjt/sp/jedit/

Tested on MacOSX and Linux.

Submitted jnp1234 - 2019-08-19 20:24:51.041000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2019-08-21 18:51:49.716000

Requires at least Java 9.

2020-06-09 18:32:50.503000

This is a more concise patch. It is also closer to the plugin MacOS 1.5 (by makarius).

The plugin has Desktop.setOpenFileHandler but it seems to be unnecessary: drag&drop of files onto the view works without it.

a.patch (1.5Kio)

2020-06-09 19:50:19.115000

I quickly checked, it seems good to me but I can't test, so if someone can test it, it would be cool, otherwise I will apply it.
Here is another patch, exactly the same with a few fixes in coding style

OSX_patch.patch (1.7Kio)

2020-06-09 20:58:37.430000

Looks good. If you apply it, I will test it.

2020-06-09 21:37:05.680000

Here's a jar with jEdit from head with the patch attached:

2020-06-10 12:42:41.003000

I have now learned to use "ant dist", so I won't need any further build snapshots.

2020-06-10 12:47:27.785000

This is now in jedit-trunk r25349.

This is vacuous for Linux and Windows: conditions like `desktop.isSupported(Action.APP_QUIT_HANDLER)` are false.

It works fine on macOS Catalina 10.15.5, with or without the MacOS plugin (the MacOSX plugin is for old Java 8). Can someone who understands the ant setup remove all references to the MacOSX plugin from it?

2020-06-22 15:16:30.553000

Seems to work fine on Macos and Windows 10