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(68/185) 156 - ProjectViewer: make color of files/projects user selectable

While project viewer is great, if you have more than one project open (e.g., docs/code) it becames hard to keep context.
Making color of files/projects user selectable would be great (e.g., I assign blue to the docs project, and green to some other code project)

The more GUI customizability we have, the better. I picked this from onenote, where notebooks get funny colors automatically. Looks silly, but it's immensely useful to know where you are ('I was editing something blue')...

Submitted urlwolf - 2009-12-10 08:24:27 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels Project Viewer
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2010-01-27 03:55:00

Another case of something that probably won't happen unless I get a patch from someone.

2011-11-30 00:05:56

- **summary**: Project viewer: make color of files/projects user selectable --> ProjectViewer: make color of files/projects user selectable

2012-01-12 23:19:45

- **labels**: --> Project Viewer