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(21/26) 177 - Templates: code to install templates bundled in other plugins

Attached is some code extracted for the XmlPlugin to install templates from a plugin in a templates subdirectory. It's intended to run at startup.

EditPlugin templatesPlugin = jEdit.getPlugin("templates.TemplatesPlugin", false);
if(templatesPlugin == null){
Log.log(Log.MESSAGE,XmlPlugin.class,"Templates plugin is not installed, so templates won't be copied");
Class ti = Class.forName("templates.TemplatesInstaller");
Method installTemplates = ti.getMethod("installTemplatesInBackground", PluginJAR.class, String.class);
installTemplates.invoke(null, XmlPlugin.this.getPluginJAR(), "XMLPlugin");
}catch(Exception e){
Log.log(Log.WARNING, XmlPlugin.class, "Error installing templates", e);

Submitted kerik-sf - 2015-09-07 19:44:19.053000 Assigned sjakob
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2015-09-07 20:07:56.796000

See [bugs:#3530] for rationale: a plugin only to bundle templates should have simple code to install them.