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(160/211) 3901 - Buffer become unresponsive

version 5.1 on windows 8 with java 1.7.0_72

I created a macro so I can eval text from current buffer with GroovyShell. It first looks for jars in GROOVY_HOME, loads them, evals text and inserts result to new buffer. Also I added shortcut to this macro.

Its not simple to reproduce...

When I open 2 buffers in split view (first is on top with my groovy source and second at the bottom with results) jEdit becomes unresponsive after some number of actions/edits.
It may look like cursor is in 1st textArea but editing affects second. Or it does not rewrite after delete or does not show text I type. And redraws only after I select another textArea and go back to this textArea.
Maybe I wrote this macro wrong - I don't know.

Macro attached. Will attach screenshot in comment

Submitted guai-x - 2014-12-29 12:34:23.575000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group minor bug
Resolution None


2014-12-29 12:37:51.902000

here is the screenshot.
Here I selected some text and hit delete but text is still here selected and line numbers still here.

I don't know how to reproduce it without this macro and groovy

jedit.png (39.4Kio)

2014-12-29 13:01:44.053000

Reproduced now without using shortcut too.