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(161/211) 3904 - Performance problem when using hotkeys to go to start/end of large words.

Host System:
- jEdit 5.1.0
- Java 1.7.0_65
- Ubuntu 14.04


There seems to be a performance problem when using the special commands to go to the start (CTRL-RIGHT) or end (CTRL-LEFT) of a large word.

The editor takes some noticeable time to move the cursor from one endpoint to another, and it becomes unresponsive in the meantime.

I'm attaching a Java program that generates a file "GoToWord.txt" with a minimal toy example exposing this problem.



Submitted oswaldo-olivo - 2015-01-04 17:16:15.816000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels performance
Status open Group minor bug
Resolution None


2015-01-20 08:05:07.236000

Hi, as I see, your file contains only one very long line, not new line ?
If yes, that's a known problem:
jEdit speedup by calculating only visible line, but if the line is extremely long, the optimization fails, I don't think we have a solution in a short future.