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(172/211) 3939 - VFSBrowser absolute path completion doesn't wait for directory change

When typing a full path in the VFS Browser open dialog filename, completion does expand the path, but still searches for files in the old directory.

org.gjt.sp.jedit.browser.VFSFileNameField.doComplete(String) calls TaskManager.waitForIoTasks() to no effect apparently.

Steps to reproduce:
1. prepare files
cd ~
touch a_test
cd /tmp
touch a.txt

2. in jEdit,
File > Open (navigate to home directory if not already there)
type /tmp/a in filename
press TAB
see that the filename is now /home/youruser/a_test and not /tmp/a

Submitted kerik-sf - 2015-11-08 11:24:57.749000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group minor bug
Resolution None
