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(207/211) 4089 - JEdit won't close properly. It "stays" in the memory.

JEdit version: jedit 5.5.0-2 (built from AUR)
OS: Manjaro 64bit
Java: jdk8-openjdk

After that I finished using JEdit and close it (it doesn't matter that I close it wih the littel 'x' button of the window, or navigate to File->Exit and close it there) it won't properly close, it stays in the memory.
Here are scrrenshot from the TaskManager that shows what happens.
I tried to attach more than one screenshot, but it is impossible.
So, basically JEdit ALWAYS do this same thing; never close properly.

Submitted whynouppercase - 2020-01-14 13:22:55.155000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group minor bug
Resolution None


2020-01-14 13:24:58.815000

Here is another screenshot shows the same problem.

JEditStuckInMemory.png (165.0Kio)

2020-01-14 15:08:18.576000

You are using the -background setting on your command line when starting jEdit, which keeps jEdit running in the background after you close the windows. Remove that and you should be good.

2020-01-14 17:35:21.152000

Yes, but "File->Exit" should quit the background process. For me, it works this way.

2020-01-31 07:56:13.558000

Sorry Dale, but I dodn't know what you are talking about, I didn't use anything.
Like I said, I installed it from the AUR repo. After installing it, I just set up in Thunar file manager to use Jedit for the files I like to open with JEdit. Like this: right click on file then "Open With..." then "Open with other appliction", then I selected JEdit and thick the "use as default for this kind of file". Or I open JEdit from the menu.
But it doesn't matter, after exiting it alway stuck in the memory.
So, I didn't cahnged anything, this is the default, and seems to be bugged, behaviour of JEdit.
The exact command what starts JEdit is : ***jeditbg %U***.