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(208/211) 4090 - Code repository issues (unable to download source)

**Issue: ** The sourceforge website/code repository is not working correctly and downloading sources from the trunk results in various issues.
**jEdit version:** Current dev trunk
**Platform: **Website
**Java version:** *N/A*
**Steps to reproduce:** Try to browse the Git link from the sourceforge website and you don't see an indentical source tree to that in the svn repository. Also, trying to download a snapshot of the source from SVN results in the browser spinning indefinitely waiting for sourceforge to respond.
**Expected result:** It should be easy to use modern tooling to access the source of this project in order to participate in debugging and improving the software.
**Other notes:** I was able to download the source with the svn command line tool, but oddly using git svn did not work and it also spun its wheels when looking through commit history. I suspect it is related to the same issue as the source forge website. If the svn repository has a lot of merges in its history, it could be causing back-end SVN server issues. In my personal experience GIT is far less fragile in this kind of situation.

Submitted blurry - 2020-02-14 23:35:56.309000 Assigned vampire0
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group severe bug
Resolution None


2020-02-15 00:22:16.594000

- **assigned_to**: Björn Kautler