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(209/211) 4094 - jEdit 5.5.0 does not work with Zulu-JVM by Azul

Hi all

Launching jEdit on Windows it keeps telling me that it would require Java8 even though I try to use [Zulu8 by Azul](

I do not have any other Java installed. I unzipped to E:\Progis\Zulu8 added system variable JAVA_HOME=E:\Progis\Zulu8 and added E:\Progis\Zulu8\jre\bin and E:\Progis\Zulu8\bin to the system path variable. [DBVisualizer]( runs perfectly well with this setup.

Kind regards


Submitted thiemo - 2020-05-09 10:23:39.656000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status pending Group minor bug
Resolution None


2020-05-09 10:32:09.826000

The same goes for the non-fx variant (and on another computer where there initially was OpenJDK isntalled) for Java11 though hist might be on purpose.

2020-05-09 14:31:53.168000

Hey, I just tested and it worked for me. But I think your problem might be the jedit.exe that is not up to date. I built one that is available here if you want to test

Otherwise you could try with a bat file launching java -jar jedit.jar or something like that ?

2020-05-09 14:32:04.121000

- **status**: open --> pending-works-for-me

2020-05-09 21:36:58.495000

Hey Matthieu

Thanks for getting to this. You are right. Calling the jar directly as below works for me too.
> E:\Users\thiemo>where javaw
> E:\Progis\zulu8\jre\bin\javaw.exe
> E:\Progis\zulu8\bin\javaw.exe
> E:\Users\thiemo>javaw -jar "c:\Program Files\jEdit\jedit.jar"
> E:\Users\thiemo>

Your java.exe works too, thanks! Only Windows is nuisance with its warning about Defender warning about unknown provider.

I feel that either the java.exe of the installer ought to be removed or replaced. Maybe you can enlighten me about the exe anyway. What mechanism does it take to determin the java(w) to employ to execute jedit.jar? Is there a way to tell it to pick another JVM maybe by an ini file somewhere?

Anyhow, I degraded this ticket's milestone, because of the workaround and exe you provided. I marked your post with a thumb up (for some reason though my Firefox does not see the link as one and shows only the URL instead.

Kind regards


2020-05-09 21:37:21.079000

- **Group**: severe bug --> minor bug

2020-05-09 21:41:49.678000

- **status**: pending-works-for-me --> pending